Friday, 25 June 2010

Savva's sneak preview

Here are some sneak preview shots of the Savva's first family photo session from the bump to one package. It was a bit early for real 'bump' photos so we went for a lovely relaxed family session. It was a lovely day enjoyed by all, we started at Grandma's house then on to the lovely private Olden Garden in Islington for some outdoor photos and a relaxed picnic then onto the studio for some final family shots. This resulted in a variety of beautiful shots of the three (soon to be four!) of them.

Cutest Kids Competition

Well Summer is finally here and I will be running a Cutest Kids Competition on Facebook in the coming week. Prizes include a FREE photo session and prints from Claire Barnes Photography and StudioE15
For further details please visit my Facebook page and become a fan by clicking on the link on the right.

Monday, 21 June 2010

Cutest Kids Competition

Find me on Facebook and become a Fan to receive details of the upcoming 'Cutest Kids Competition' for a chance to win a FREE studio family photo session with Claire Barnes Photography at StudioE15. Further details coming soon........


Welcome to my new blog!
Here you will find updates and useful information about happenings in the world of 'Claire Barnes Photography'.